Saturday, April 6, 2013


Every once in a while we tend to look back at the things we almost certainly should have done. It is often said that it is better to do something than regret it later. There will always be the 'what-ifs'. What if this and that would have happened? Although we may be afraid of the consequences of what we may have done but I guess it is more painful to recall what we have failed to do. We are all victims of emotion and the feeling of regret is part and parcel of our lives. 

Common regrets that we have faced:

* Failing to revise for our exams although we tell ourselves otherwise

* Not attending an event or an outing just because we are afraid that things may not go as planned

* Failing to learn something new or be productive especially when there was the opportunity to do so

* Not taking the initiative to make new friends

* [insert your own]

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